What’s the benefits of coconut oil how does coconut oil help your hair

What’s the benefits of coconut oil ?

Whats the benefits of coconut oil and how does coconut oil help your hair grow ?

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Coconut Oil Contains Fatty Acids With Powerful Medicinal Properties. Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat. New research shows that saturated fats are harmless and have no link to heart disease.

Cold-pressed Coconut oil contains a small amount of vitamin E and other tocopherols. 100 g fresh oil composes of 0.19 mcg of vitamin E.

How Does Coconut Oil help your Hair Grow ?

HillDews Virgin Coconut Oil 200ml – Cold Pressed – For Skin & Hair

Benefits of Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil contains MCT Medium Chain Triglycerides which are metabolized differently, they go to the liver from the digestive tract and since they are a quick source of energy they can have therapeutic effects on epilepsy and Alzheimers.
  • The medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil help you burn calories hence lose weight.
  • 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil is the Lauric acid which forms into monolaurin when digested.
  • Lauric acid and monolaurin kill bacteria, fungi and pathogens. So coconut oil is said to kill yeast candida albikans which causes yeast infection.
  • Coconut oil can improve moisture and fat content of skin.
  • Coconut oil protects against hair damage, acts as a sunscreen blocking about 20% of suns ultraviolet rays.

How does coconut oil help your hair grow ? Does coconut oil help your hair grow ?

Coconut oil has Vitamin K, Vitamin E and iron. This helps keep the hair stronger and keeps scalp healthy.

Lauric acid present in coconut oil prevents loss of hair protein.

Liquid Coconut oil Usecoconut oil for hair cold pressed

HillDews Virgin Coconut Oil 200ml – Cold Pressed – For Skin & Hair

Coconut oil can protect your skin for harmful ultraviolet rays(UV) rays
20% protection against uv rays
SPF of 7 protects against wrinkles, brown spots

Coconut oil increases metabolism because it contains medium-chain triglycerides ( MCTs).
MCTs are fatty acids which are easily absorbed and increase number of calories which can be burned. MCTs boost metabolic rate.

Coconut oil is has high saturated fat which makes it ideal for deep frying as saturated fats retain their structure when exposed to high temperatures.

Coconut oil fights bacteria in mouth which caused dental plaque. Swishing daily with coconut oil reduces inflammation and plaque.

It is good for people with eczema.

Coconut Oil has benefits for brain disorders including epilepsy and Alzheimers.

Mosituriser for your skin, apply on cracked heels to make them smooth.

Virgin coconut oil has antibacterial properties.

Tip – Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to your diet to reduce belly fat.

How to remove coconut oil from hair