Star Wars Board Games

5-star wars board games

Star Wars: Rebellion

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Ages: 14+
Number of players: 2-4
Playtime: 3-4 hours

Rebellion is the famous board game which contains cards, dice, and 150 miniatures that allows players to experience the conflict between the Empire and the Alliance forces. It makes the player feel that they are actually on the battlefield fighting a war from covert missions across the galaxy to searching for a hidden Rebel base.

The main motive of the game is to crush the opponent alliance team with legions of stormtroopers, TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, or the Death Star. Rebellion will unite the sympathetic people of the galaxy and recruit them to sabotage them with iconic plays.

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Fantasy Flight Games: Star Wars Legion

Ages: 14+
Number of players: 2
Playtime: 1-2 hours

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Star Wars Legion is another thrilling pick from Fantasy Flight Games, which focuses on infantry battles in the Star Wars universe! This miniature game is focused on two players of iconic characters like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker on the ground battles of the Galactic Civil War.

The player can make infantry troops, powerful vehicles which they need on the battlefield. The game witness a lot of chaos as the Legion has the power of ordering troops. The game is played in 6 rounds and requires a lot of strategies to win.

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Risk: Star Wars Edition Game

Ages: 10+
Number of players: 2 (or 2 teams)
Playtime: 30-45 minutes

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It is not a miniature game but a straightforward game where the Rebels must first destroy the shield generator but, if Vader loses to Luke, the Empire will suffer a blow.

Risk: Star Wars Edition Game is one of the best starboard games where players compete across three arenas to destroy the Death Star. It is believed that it was caught between the battle on Endor and Luke’s showdown against Darth Vader.

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Star Wars Outer Rim Board Game

Ages: 14+
Number of players: 1-4
Playtime: 3-4 hours

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Star Wars Outer Rim Board Game is the perfect adventure for children who fantasy themselves a bit of a Han Solo or Lando Calrissian or living their own lives on the edges of the galaxy.
In this game, the players have to roam in the galaxy among lone wolves who are waiting for their food. The game aims to reach fame by smuggling illegal goods and taking on jobs from warring factions and many more.

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Star Wars Empire vs Rebellion

Ages: 10+
Number of players: 2
Play time: 10 minutes

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Empire vs. Rebellion is the best star wars board card game that sees two players engage in a tense standoff. In this game, the players have to match their wits and resources and use diplomacy to win the game.

This is a Mexican standoff card game that is easy to learn and quick to play. The players can choose their army on the battlefield using their cards and resources to overpower their opponent.

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