Montessori Toys for Infants

Montessori Toys have made it to our list of Best Toys for Infants.

Why Montessori?

Montessori toys are simple and beautiful toys that will help in the imaginative growth of your baby. These are natural and open-ended toys that lead to the development of your little one.

The Montessori system of education encourages your baby to learn by various hands-on activities. The Montessori education system is a child-centered education method that is based on scientific observation and encourages a supportive learning environment for your baby.

This helps in the all-round development of your baby such as physical, cognitive, social and emotional development.

Even if, your baby is small and has not started going to the school for studies you can create a Montessori based learning environment at your home with the help of some simple yet useful Montessori toys.

Montessori toys for 0-4 months

Some of the most common Montessori toys which you can introduce to your baby during the first month are the black and white images and high contrast mobiles.

The black and white images can be introduced from birth and these are placed at the baby’s level when your baby is awake.

One of the traditional mobiles for babies is Munari. Apart from Munari, other modern-day high contrast mobiles are hung from different heights.

Your baby can stare at these toys and start making cooing noises. These experiences help your baby to form an impression about his environment.

Between the periods of 2months-3 months, you can introduce other Montessori toys like Octahedron mobile, Gobbi mobile, and First Tactile mobile.

Octahedron mobiles are DIY and can be made at home only. They are of different shape and move with the air. This movement will make your baby feel excited.

Gobbi mobile helps to improve the visual perception and concentration skills of your baby. Also, the first tactile mobile is a bell on a ribbon that hangs from a considerable height. It can make some sound while it moves either by any voluntary or involuntary action of your baby.

Then in between the time of 3-4 months, many other Montessori toys like tented fabric, grasping rings, dancer’s mobile, grasping rattles, hanging toys, play gym, etc. can be introduced to your baby. These toys will enhance the grasping power of your baby and will improve the development of your baby.

Montessori toys for 4-6 months

Some of the major Montessori toys which can be helpful for your baby are wooden triangles, soft toys, Montessori bell rattle, wooden keys, wooden teethers, wooden grasping rings, puzzle ball, assorted fabric, etc.

Wooden triangles are light-weight and can be easily transferred from one hand to another. Moreover, they can act as excellent teethers for your little one.

Montessori bell rattles make sounds that can make your little one feel highly excited.

The wooden keys are a set of lightweight keys which are very easier for your little one to play.

Assorted fabric and soft toys can be used as a cuddling toy and your little one will enjoy its company.

Wooden teethers will give a soothing effect to the gums of your baby in case of teething and also keep your baby calm.

Similarly, wooden grasping rings are easy to grab teethers.

Puzzle balls are interesting as they are of different colors and their shape is unique. It can be used for encouraging your baby to crawl or even your baby can just hold and play with it while sitting.

Montessori toys for 6-12 months

During this age, you can start introducing a larger number of Montessori toys to your baby. You’re your little one is in between 6-7 months, you can introduce him with sensory balls, bell cylinder, and Schleicher animals.

Sensory balls are the most famous Montessori toy and help in improving your baby’s cognitive skills and motor skills.

Bell Cylinder is a traditional Montessori toy that makes noise and encourages your baby to crawl. Schleicher animals are fun and help your baby to develop co-ordination, grasping power and hands movement.

Furthermore, when your baby is in between the age of 8 months to 12 months, there are a variety of Montessori toys which can help in entertaining him.

Some of the major Montessori toys which you can use for your baby during this period are bead mover, stacking cups, flapping flower toy, basic blocks, drum, ring stacker, books, simple puzzle, etc.

The Bead mover helps in improving your little one’s concentration when he tries to move the beads.

Blocks are interesting and help in keeping your baby engaged.

Ring stacker can help in improving the motor and cognitive skills of your baby and an excellent option for making your kid playful.

Books and the simple puzzle can be just introduced in this phase as they would be complicated initially. They would come to full use slowly when your baby grows.

Hence, Montessori baby toys are quite beneficial and there are numerous options for Montessori toys available in the market. Initially, you might not be able to understand the choice and taste of your baby about all the toys but gradually it can be understood when you start introducing your baby to the different varieties of toys.