Baby Doll Car Game

Baby doll car games are very popular with kids and parents. I feel parents are living their childhood through these games.

Kids like the make believe games they can play with these baby doll car games.

Kids love to mimic the world they see around them. Always have blocks, clay, small sticks, scarves and sand around in a toy bin.

You will be amazed how natural play evolves and how creative your child is.

Why Baby Doll Car Games?

In my honest opinion we can do without these toys. Do we really want plastic and fancy material in our house?

As a parent I have been guilty of purchasing such games.

My kids do love playing make believe using these toys. These can be car seats for their dolls, convertible cars and entire make believe sets for kids.

Doy Toy Car Seat

Kids enjoy having their favourite doll in a car seat ( just like them).

These are available in various material, in different colours and have many options and accessories.

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Role play toys such as these help in cognitive skills development. Kids learn empathy, understand why certain things are done.

I was so scared to take my daughter on car rides. It was such a struggle to buckle her in the car seat.

I was afraid someone would stop us and question us if we were the real parents 😂

Such realistic car seats which can buckle into your car can help your child about why mamma insists on putting on the harness.

The seat belts are so real just like a normal car seat has.

You can fit in any doll or favourite toy ( even big ones).

Check on Amazon
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Glitter Girls by Battat – Convertible Car

Your little one can place their 14 inch dolls in this car and have tons of fun.

This is the toy I wish I had while growing up 😭. I loved make believe and for the child who loves cars and make believe you must get this.

My son would have liked it, my daughter absolutely hates such toys. So understand your child before you go purchasing this.

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The things I totally love about this toy is that the car is actually almost real.

The wheel turns, you can move the car gears.

The car boot opens and your child can put in their important stuff.

Check on Amazon
images 1USA and Other Countries